Protests against the Israeli aggression on Gaza and in solidarity with the Palestinian people were once again heard yesterday, 18 October, in Lisbon's Martim Moniz Square, shouted by thousands of people who responded to the call from the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC), the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP-IN), and the Movement for the Rights of the Palestinian People and for Peace in the Middle East (MPPM), joined by other organisations and collectives.
Inês Caeiro, from the yourth association Projecto Ruído, contextualised the situation and introduced the different speakers.
The first speaker was João Coelho, a member of the National Council of CGTP-IN, followed by Dima Mohammed, a Palestinian researcher at NOVA-FCSH.
Carlos Almeida, vice-president of the National Board of MPPM, spoke before Rui Garcia, vice-president of the National Board of CPPC.