
MPPM receives accreditation from United Nations
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People approved MPPM’s application for accreditation and welcomed our Movement into the network of civil society organizations active on the question of Palestine.
As an accredited NGO, MPPM acquires the right to actively participate in the meetings and conferences organized under the auspices of the Committee as well as the duty to support its work and objectives.
This accreditation by the UN, beyond representing the recognition of the work already developed, imposes on MPPM an accrued responsibility in pursuing its action in support of the cause of the Palestinian people.
MPPM organized, in Lisbon, an International Seminar on the theme “The Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza and the Growing Dangers of Present Situation in the Palestinian Territories and in the Region”.
After the brutal aggression of Israel to Gaza, that sowed death and destruction, all peace loving persons, supporters of the solidarity among peoples, questioned themselves on possible ways of helping Palestinians, on the feasibility of ensuring their survival as a people, and on means to guarantee their right to an independent and peaceful future. This Seminar aimed at giving answers to those yearnings.
Chaired by Isabel Allegro Magalhães and Mário Ruivo, co-Presidents of MPPM, the Seminar had the following panel of speakers:
• Michael Kingsley, Executive Director of UNRWA, based in Gaza
In view of the Israeli attack to Gaza, a movement of repulse and indignation arose all over the world.
In Portugal, MPPM made public its position in a Statement signed by José Saramago, President of tha General Assembly, Isabel Allegro Magalhães and Mário Ruivo, co-Presidents, and Silas Cerqueira, Coordinator.
On January 7th, MPPM organized a public meeting, claiming for the immediate end of Israeli aggression in Gaza Strip, chaired by Mário Ruivo, where Carlos Almeida and José Manuel Goulão were speakers, and which was followed by a vivid and much participated debate.
On January 8th, MPPM, together with the Portuguese Peace Movement, the General Labour Confederation and many other organizations, called for a protest meeting before the Embassy of Israel.
On January 17th, another protest meeting was organized in Aveiro by the local Labour Union together with other organizations, including MPPM.
On November 29th, 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (II) on the partition of Palestine in two states, one Arab and one Jewish, with a special statute for Jerusalem. Of those, only the Jewish state was created. So, in 1977, 30 years later, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 32/40B calling for the observation of November 29th as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Corresponding to the UN call, MPPM promoted a number of initiatives, cultural and political, included in a “Week of Palestine” with a view of, “not only expressing the solidarity from the Portuguese people to the Palestinian people, but also of divulging the rich culture of this martyr people that for over 60 years has been fighting to regain the fatherland of which it was deprived”.
To remember the date of November 15th, 1948, designated by Arab peoples as “Nakba”, the Catastrophe, MPPM organized two public meetings with the presence of Mohammad Barakeh, an Arab Member of the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament.
The first meeting took place in Almada, on May 25th, in Santo Amaro Cultural Center, whose vice-President, José Gonçalves, chaired the event. The audience listened to interventions by Ambassador Rand Nabulsi, Mohammad Barakeh, Gustavo Carneiro, of CPPC, and Silas Cerqueira, of MPPM.
The second meeting took place in Lisbon, at the Cinearte / A Barraca theater, on the 26th May. Speakers were Ambassador Randa Nabulsi, Miguel Portas, Alan Stoleroff, Bruno Dias, Mohammad Barakeh and José Saramago. Poems from Hanan Awwad and Mahmud Darwich were read by Maria do Céu Guerra and João D’Ávila. The meeting was conducted by Isabel Allegro Magalhães and Mário Ruivo.


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