
Statute of the Movement for the Rights of the Palestinian People and for Peace in the Middle East (MPPM) - Extracts

Chapter I
General principles

Article 1
(Title and headquarters)

1. The Movement for the Rights of the Palestinian People and for Peace in the Middle East, also designated as MPPM, is a non-profit association which abides by the present Articles of Association as well as by internal regulations and by general law.
2. [...]

Article 2
(Nature and objectives)

The MPPM is a democratic Non Governmental Organization, independent of any political parties and engaged in international solidarity. It seeks to promote through the support of public opinion and in accordance with the United Nations resolutions, the creation in the Palestinian Territories, which have been occupied by Israel since 1967, of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State, including a just solution for the question of Jerusalem and for the Palestinian refugees, as well as supporting the establishment of global and lasting peace in the Middle East.

Article 3

The MPPM complies with the principles of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, having as its references, the Charter of the United Nations, the applicable norms of International Law, the International Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as those of the International Humanitarian Law.

Article 4

MPPM, within the framework of its aims and in compliance with the principles and values set out in the abovementioned references in Article 3, will seek to:
a) mobilize public opinion towards effective moral, political, cultural, material and humanitarian solidarity with those peoples in the Middle East who are affected on a level of security, dignity and  their inalienable right to self-determination,  national independence, democracy and peace;
b) appeal for the United Nations to play a central role in the search for a solution to the present situation;
c) condemn the imposition by force of unilateral solutions, all forms of terrorism, whether State terrorism or any other, all illegitimate military occupation of  territories , hence those of  Palestine - the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem -  which have been occupied since 1967

Article 5

In pursuance of its aims, the MPPM will:
a) disseminate information on the Palestinian question;
b) promote solidarity activities
c) cooperate with other NGOs and movements pursuing the same objectives;
d) lobby in prosecution of its statutory objectives through contacts with the various Portuguese legislative entities
e) develop relationships of cooperation and dialogue with public figures, institutions and organizations - namely those of Palestine, of the United Nations and of the European Union - and furthermore with movements throughout whole world, including in Israel, who are dedicated to the cause of justice and peace between peoples.

Article 6

1. The MPPM shall operate its activity with full political, religious and economic independence.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions set out in the previous paragraph, the MPPM may associate with national or international organizations pursuing converging objectives.

Chapter II

Article 7

1. The Members of MPPM are those individual and legal entities, Portuguese nationals or residents in Portugal, who identify with its principles and aims and whose candidature has been accepted by the National Board of Directors.
2. [...]

Articles 8 to 12
(Rights, Duties, Fees, Voting Rights)


Chapter III
Corporate Bodies

Section I
General provisions

Article 13

The corporate bodies of the MPPM are the following:
a) The General Assembly;
b) The National Board of Directors;
c) The Financial/Audit Commission

Article 14
(Election and co-option)

1. The office bearers of the corporate bodies are elected by the General Assembly especially convened for that purpose, from the members of the MPPM in full exercise of their rights, and by secret, direct and universal ballot.

Article 15

Without prejudice to what is stated in this Statute, the Corporate Bodies of MPPM will always seek consensus in their deliberations.

Section II
General Assembly

Article 16
(Composition and jurisdiction)

1. The General Assembly is the highest body of the MPPM and is composed of all its Members in full exercise of their rights.
2. [...].
3. It is the responsibility of the General Assembly:
a) To elect the members of the Board of the General Assembly, of the National Board of Directors and of the Financial/Audit Commission;
b) To appraise, discuss and vote the Annual Report and Accounts presented by the National Board of Directors and the advice from the Financial/Audit Commission;
c) To appraise and discuss the Annual Report on the situation in the Middle East and prospects for MPPM, and other documents and proposals;
d) To appraise and discuss resolutions defining the major policy guidelines and consequential action plans;

Article 17


Section III
National Board of Directors

Article 18
(Composition and jurisdiction)

1. The National Board of Directors of the MPPM is composed of an even number of members from fifteen to twenty-one, of which one is the President, up to three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer.
2. The National Board of Directors` responsibilities will be:
a) To express before national and international public opinion, on behalf of the MPPM, the main positions defined and political guidelines seeking, if necessary, the opinion of the Advisory Council;
b) To ensure all the national and international activity of the MPPM, according to guidelines and programmes approved by the General Assembly and the National Board of Directors;
c) To develop and submit to the voting of the General Assembly the Annual Report and Account, after having obtained the advice from the Financial/Audit Commission;
d) To develop and propose an Annual Report to the General Assembly for appraisal and discussion on the situation in the Middle East and the prospects for the MPPM, as well as the ensuing policy resolutions and programmes for political action;
e) To approve membership proposals;
f) To approve the participation of MPPM in national and international organizations pursuing converging objectives and to designate MPPM's representatives in those organizations;
j) To invite individuals to integrate the Advisory Council;
3. The National Board of Directors will designate, from its members, a Steering Committee that has the role of ensuring the activity of MPPM in accordance with the competences delegated to it.
4. The Steering Committee is composed of nine members, one of them being the Coordinator, and includes, mandatorily, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

Article 19


Section IV
Financial /Audit Commission

Article 20
(Composition and jurisdiction)

1. The Financial /Audit Commission is composed of three members: a Chairman and two Deputies.
2. The Financial /Audit Commission's responsibilities will be:
a) To follow the financial and economical management of MPPM;
b) To give advice on the Report and Accounts of MPPM developed by the National Board of Directors;

Article 21


Chapter IV
Advisory Council

Article 21
(Composition, jurisdiction and functioning)

1. The Advisory Council is composed of individuals identified with the objectives of the MPPM and who may or not be members of the Movement.
2. The Advisory Council elects, among its members, a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary.
3. The members of the Advisory Council integrate this body at the invitation of the National Board of Directors.
4. It is the responsibility of the Advisory Council to advise the National Board of Directors, on its own initiative or at the latter's request, on the political orientations and positions of the movement.

Chapter V
Committees for the Rights of the Palestinian People and for Peace in the Middle East

Article 22
(Constitution and dissolution)

1. In order to better pursue its objectives, the MPPM may promote the constitution of Committees, according to geographic areas or areas of activity.

Chapter VI
Ownership of Income

Article 23

1. The Ownership of the Income of the MPPM shall include:
a) The income generated from the contributions of its members;
b) The subsidies and donations, from public or private entities, national or foreign, which have been expressly accepted as such.
c) Other revenue of different sources, such as the output of fund raising initiatives, the sale of merchandising articles or the performance of services that are within the scope of its principles and orientations.
d) Goods resulting from donations, legates or acquisitions that are to be used in the pursuance of MPPM's objectives.
2. The acceptance of subsidies, donations, offers or legates, cannot compromise the principle of independence set out in Article 6.

Chapter VII
Final arrangements

Articles 24 to 26
(Modification and Interpretation of Statute and Dissolution of MPPM)


Terça, 12 de Outubro de 2010 - 00:00