Portuguese Parliament condemns Donald Trump's «Deal of the Century»

On February 6, the Portuguese Parliament approved a Vote «Condemning the "Trump Plan" which constitutes an assault on the national rights of the Palestinian people and International Law» on 6 February last.

The Vote was presented by the Portuguese Communist Party parliamentary group and was adopted with the support of the MPs from PS (Socialist Party, in government), BE (Left Block), PCP, PEV (Green Party) and Joacine Katar Moreira (independent), votes against by PSD (Social-Democratic Party), CDS-PP (Democratic Social Center), PAN (People, Animals, Nature) and Chega (Enough), while the Liberal Initiative (IL) abstained.

The text of the Vote classifies the «Deal of the Century» as a «clear assault on the national rights of the Palestinian people, as well as on International Law and decades of UN resolutions that recognise and enshrine them», considering it «a new and more serious stage in Israel's illegal occupation and annexation of Palestinian territories».

The Vote states that the «Trump Plan» aims to «make the creation of the State of Palestine unfeasible – a prospect that should be repudiated by all those who are committed to safeguarding and complying with the national rights of the Palestinian people and International Law».

In its operative part, the Vote «repudiates the so-called "Deal of the Century" announced by the US Administration of Donald Trump» and «urges the Portuguese Government to take initiatives in defence of the creation of a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital and of the right of return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution 194».

MPPM – the Portuguese Movement for the Rights of the Palestinian People and for Peace in the Middle East welcomes the fact that the Portuguese Parliament has added its voice to the international chorus of condemnation of the so-called «deal of the century» and the violation of the rights of the Palestinian people and of International Law that it represents.

It should be recalled that MPPM took a similar position in its communiqué of February 2, 2020, with the title «MPPM denounces the "Con of the Century" that the US wants to impose on the Palestinians». 

Quarta, 19 de Fevereiro de 2020 - 13:33