MPPM honours Palestinian women on International Women's Day

On March 8, proclaimed International Women's Day by the UN General Assembly in 1977, MPPM pays tribute to women around the world and their struggle for freedom, justice, equality and the elimination of all forms of discrimination, and in a very special way to Palestinian women.

To Palestinian women living in the West Bank under relentless occupation, where Israeli settlements proliferate and the shameful “Apartheid Wall” is spread; to those living in East Jerusalem, subject to an accelerated process of Judaization and expulsion of its legitimate inhabitants; to those living in the Gaza Strip, suffering an inhumane blockade that has lasted for 13 years and subjected to frequent attacks by the Israeli armed forces; to those living in the State of Israel, subject to discriminatory and racist legislation that denies them equal rights with Jews; to those who live in refugee camps, in foreign countries or foreigners in their own country, victims of successive campaigns of ethnic cleansing carried out by Israel, who wish to return to their homes and recover their property.

Palestinian women are present in the family, where they are the support of parents, partners, children and grandchildren. Palestinian women are present in economic activity – in agriculture, crafts, trade. Palestinian women are present in education – they constitute the majority of the university population – and in culture, whether in the visual arts, literature, dance or music. Palestinian women are present in the resistance – in demonstrations, in political struggle, in civic organizations. Palestinian women suffer from the absence, imprisonment or death of their relatives. Palestinian women are familiar with Israeli prisons, where they are subjected to all kinds of abuse and violence, including deprivation of visits and medical care, physical and psychological torture and sexual harassment.

Palestinian women are injured or murdered for participating in non-violent demonstrations or are victims of aggression from settlers. Palestinian women, still suffering in their own society from gender-based discrimination and violence, fight for legislation that adequately protects them and recognises their full equality.

On this International Women's Day, MPPM:

— Addresses a fraternal greeting to Palestinian women, and in particular to the four dozen women held in Israeli jails, as well as to all 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners.

— Pays a heartfelt tribute to the memory of the six hundred Palestinian women murdered by the Israeli armed forces since 2000.

— Reaffirms its solidarity with the Palestinian women and the entire Palestinian people and its commitment to continue to fight against the Zionist occupation and to strengthen the solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for the full recognition of their national rights.

— Calls on freedom-loving Portuguese men and women and civil organizations to express their active solidarity with the Palestinian men and women, namely by demanding: respect for their human rights; the release of all political prisoners; the end of occupation, colonisation and violence; the end of the blockade on Gaza; the right of the refugees to return.

— Calls on the Portuguese government, abiding by international law and the resolutions of the United Nations, to recognize the State of Palestine and to end all cooperation and commercial relations with Israeli entities, public or private, that are involved in violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people.

8 March 2020

The National Directorate of MPPM

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