MPPM condemns Turkish invasion of Syria

MPPM strongly condemns the ongoing invasion of Syrian territory by Turkey.

This invasion, unfortunately, is far from being an exceptional case. Rather, it is the latest episode of the war imposed on Syria for eight years, aimed at its fragmentation and the liquidation of its role in supporting the Palestinian people, in opposing Zionism and imperial designs in the region.

Nor can the war against Syria be understood outside the framework of Western aggressions and interferences in the region, namely in Iraq, in Libya, in Yemen, with devastating consequences for its martyred peoples.

Foreign interference in Syria, including the funding and arming of terrorist groups, has been carried out not only by Turkey, but also by Israel and the Arab petromonarchies, as well as by the USA and by European Union states that illegally maintain troops in the country.

Thus, the European Union's expressions of repudiation of the Turkish invasion and concern for its consequences, as well as the recommendation to its member states to suspend the sale of arms to Turkey, can only be described as hypocritical.

Likewise, MPPM notes how, once again, promises made by foreign powers to communities in the region — such as Syria's Kurds — are betrayed at the whim of convenience. This is a constant throughout the history of the last century, which emphasizes how the resolution of regional problems cannot be found in subservience to powers that only aim to sow discord in order to better control its enormous natural resources.

Whatever the pretexts proclaimed by Turkey for the current invasion, whatever the reasons invoked to condemn it by those same who have actively participated in the aggression, what is required at the present time is respect for international law and the UN Charter and an end to violations of Syria's sovereignty.

MPPM reaffirms the principle of defending Syria's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity — including Israel's withdrawal from the Syrian Golan Heights —, which implies the withdrawal of troops from all countries stationed there without the consent of the Syrian government. Only the people of Syria can decide the fate of their country.

MPPM expresses its solidarity with the Syrian people and all the peoples of the Middle East who are fighting for peace, freedom, independence and sovereignty of their countries.

16 October 2019

The National Directorate of MPPM

Quarta, 16 de Outubro de 2019 - 12:00